"A Bearnaise sauce is simply an egg yolk, a shallot, a little tarragon vinegar and butter, but it takes years of practice for the result to be perfect." Fernand Point
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk room temperature (or even slightly warmer)
2 teaspoons olive oil
Whisk together flour, yeast, salt, and sugar. Pour in the warm water
and milk and beat for 5 minutes with a wooden spoon until the dough is
well combined.
Once the dough is combined, flour your hands and knead the dough for 5 minutes, pushing air bubbles into the dough.
Oil a large bowl, and place the dough inside. Drizzle the olive oil
over the top of the dough then cover with plastic wrap, and cover that
with a towel, and place the bowl in a warm spot. Allow to rise for 2
Preheat the oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
and sprinkle with flour. Turn the dough out onto a floured workspace and
shape the dough into a long loaf, about 12" long and 4" wide. Sprinkle
the top of the dough with flour (if desired. It's purely aesthetic).
Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until the bread is light golden and a tap on
the trust should sound hollow.
Place the bread on a cooling rack and allow it to cool for 20-30 minutes before serving.
Shrimp Curry with Yoghurt and Peas (Cooks Illustrated)
Serves 4 to 6
Gather and prepare all of your ingredients before you begin. Garlic
and ginger may be pureed by hand or in a minichop food processor. If
using a minichopper, process the garlic and ginger with one to two
tablespoons of water until pureed. You may substitute a scant half
teaspoon of cayenne pepper for the jalapeño, adding it to the skillet
with the other ground dried spices. Feel free to increase the wet
(garlic, ginger, jalapeños, and onions) or dry spice quantities. Serve
the curry with basmati rice.
1. Heat oil in large deep skillet or soup kettle, preferably
nonstick, over medium-high heat until hot, but not smoking. Add onion to
skillet; sauté until golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes.
2. Stir in garlic, ginger, ground spices, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and
yogurt; cook, stirring almost constantly, until liquid evaporates, oil
separates and turns orange, and spices begin to fry, 5 to 7 minutes,
depending on skillet or kettle size. Continue to cook, stirring
constantly, until spices smell cooked, about 30 seconds longer.
3. Stir in cilantro. Add 2 cups water and jalapeño and season with salt; bring to simmer. Reduce heat; cover and simmer.
4. Stir in cilantro. Add shrimp and peas. Simmer 3 minutes longer and serve.
Six Steps to Aromatic Curry
1. Cook the whole spices in the oil until the cinnamon sticks unfurl and the cloves pop, about 5 seconds.
2. Add the onion to the oil and sauté it until it is soft and
translucent, until browned, or until fully caramelized, depending on the
individual curry.
3. Add the spices, salt, tomatoes or yogurt, and the chicken, meat, or fish.
4. Cook until the oil separates, then continue to cook until the oil turns orange, about 5 minutes longer.
5. Add the water and cook until the meat is almost tender, about 20
to 30 minutes for the chicken or 30 to 40 minutes for the meat.
6. Add the vegetables and cook until both the meat and vegetables are fully tender, about 15 minutes longer.