Memorable Quotes:

"A Bearnaise sauce is simply an egg yolk, a shallot, a little tarragon vinegar and butter, but it takes years of practice for the result to be perfect." Fernand Point

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Easy Cheese Souffle (Single Serving)

Softened butter to coat ramekins.
1 Tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese to coat ramekins

1 Tablespoon unsalted butter
4 teaspoons of All-Purpose Flour
1 1/3 cup of lukewarm milk (used 2%)
2 large pinches of salt
large pinch of paprika
4 egg yolks
8 egg whites
1 1/3 cup of grated cheese (cheddar or Swiss) Divided
1/4 diced ham (divided)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees-Note you will lower the temperature to 375 when you cook the soufflés.

Use six soufflé  dishes that are 2 3/4 inches high by 4 inches in diameter. Use 1/2 tablespoon of the softened butter to completely coat the inside of the soufflé dish with butter. Add the Parmesan cheese and cover the dish with plastic wrap and shake to coat the inside of the dish with the grated Parmesan cheese. Place in a freezer for 5 minutes (discard any cheese that did not coat the inside wall of the dish.

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter and heat in a saucepan until the water has cooked out of the butter, about 2 minutes. Add the flour and stir into the butter to create a roux and continue to cook for about 2 minutes. Add the milk, salt, paprika and 1/2 of the grated cheese and ham and cook until thickened. Whip the egg yolk and temper with some of the roux (béchamel). Once tempered add the yolk mixture to the béchamel and stir to combine.

The egg whites should be placed in a clean dry metal bowl. Using a hand held mixer, mix the whites until stiff peaks form.

Take approximately 1/4 of the stiff whites and stir into the béchamel. Now take 1/2 of the remaining whites and 1/2 of the remain grated cheese and carefully fold into the béchamel. Repeat with the remaining whites and cheese. Again, carefully fold the whites and cheese into the mixture to maintain as much of the air whipped into the whites as possible.

Once combined, carefully transfer to the prepared shuffle dish. Clean the edge of the dish with your thumb. This will help the shuffle maintain height.

Reduce the oven temperature to 375. Place the shuffle into the oven and cook for 18 minutes. Do not open the oven door during the first 18 minutes or you risk having the souffle fall. After 18 minutes the souffle should be nicely brown on top and a slight shake of the pan should demonstrate if the souffle is cooked through.

Makes 6 individual soufflés.